
Seeing The Bible Through Hebrew Eyes
We Preach and Bring Jewish and Christian Beliefs Together
Seal Your Destiny Now!
What must I do to get right with God? God has laid out a clear path to Him—a road to return home on. This is a road that anyone can walk on, and a road that is before you even as we speak. You are here by no accident. You are here as a matter of course. A moment in destiny at which you have finally arrived. It is a crossroad that requires you to cross over, and the only way to cross this crossroad is by the cross of Christ. Come as you are, come just as you are, just come. And Come Now. With a sincere heart and a mind turned upward to God to return home to God. Get right with God, and be right in His sight right now.
February 9, 2025
Teaching 4:00 – 6:30PM
Review Q&A and Ministry After Class
The location of our meetings is at:
Doubletree Hotel
1981 North Central Expressway
Richardson, TX 75080
Click here for a map
(972) 644-4000
(The "Monthly For His Glory Bible Study" meets on the 2nd Sunday of the Month at 4:00 pm at The Doubletree Hotel at Campbell Road and I75 in Richardson (Click here for directions). The meetings will be held in the Azalea/Sunflower Ballroom of the hotel. Join us for Praise The Lord from 3:30–4:00 pm.)
Monthly Newsletter
FHG Monthly Newsletter is now available online! Come and see...
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Behold Yeshua... Come and See
The book, Behold Yeshua... Come and See is one of the best books ever written on Torah codes. The book is now available for $20.More
Looking for true wisdom and knowledge about living a meaningful life? Do you want to change your life and impact the lives of others around you for good? Do you want to unlock a spiritual force in your life? Read more about these subjects and tapes available for your personal spiritual growth. More